Saturday 1 November 2014

Parents' Day - when parents give their verdict on our performance as well ......

We had our Parents' day for the Second Semester today, 1 November 2014. Of course we invite the parents to discuss their children's performance in the second semester and compare with the first semester performance as well.

This is the formal meet aside from the ad-hoc, 'drop-in-on-my-way-to-office' kind of discussion. Parents were allotted specific time to meet the teachers.

Some of the parents also gave their verdict on our performance....
Of course there will be some negative comments, but we accept those with open mind and use that to further improve ourselves.

But mostly it was all around good marks!!

It is so gratifying when parents tell us how much their children have improved since starting here. This is especially true for those children who started with us when they were just little toddlers of 3 and 4 years old and now leaving us after spending several years with us. To know that we have really moulded them into a bright children with minds ready for further reinforcement at primary level is something worth experiencing again and again.

Of course this will follow soon by letters thanking us written by happy parents.

We look forward to do this again and again in the future.

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